

 Rákóczi u. 24., 8973 Kerkafalva

Leisure and Sports

Kerkafalva is surrounded by untouched oak woods, wild pine forests, and protected natural areas, which, due to the guest house’s advantageous location, are all reachable within a few minutes of walking. Beach-lovers and fishing enthusiasts also have the chance to choose from several beautiful lakes and bathing areas which lie within the wider environment of the village. The artisan potteries of Magyarszombatfa, Szentgyörgyvölgy and Velemér can be easily accessed too, just as the Szalafő-Pityerszer village museum, and the mystical church of Velemér with its outstanding beauty.

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The Forest of Csöde as seen from the fringes of Kerkafalva Forest gazebo at the boundaries of the nearby Kercaszomor